기사 해석1 - Title : Ohio man gets 6½ years after DUI crash confession
2013. 10. 24. 03:03
Ohio man gets 6½ years after DUI crash confession
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio man was sentenced Wednesday to 6½ years in prison for causing a fatal wrong-way crash after a night of heavy drinking, which he had confessed to in an online video.
Matthew Cordle, 22, had faced up to 8½ years in prison. "Whatever my sentence may be, there's no fair sentence when it comes to the loss of a life," Cordle told the judge before the sentence was handed down.
Franklin County Judge David Fais sentenced Cordle to six years for aggravated vehicular homicide and six months for driving under the influence of alcohol. He also revoked his driving privileges for life.
Cordle apologized to the family of his victim, Vincent Canzani, who was killed in the June crash. "It should have been me that night, the guilty party, instead of an innocent man," he said.
His guilty plea last month came just a week after he was indicted in a speedy process absent of the numerous court filings that usually cause such cases to drag on for weeks or months.
Canzani's daughter asked Fais for the maximum sentence. "My father got a death sentence and did nothing wrong," Angela Canzani told the judge.
Vincent Canzani was a talented artist and photographer who enjoyed working out and spending time with friends and family, she said. She said her children and her sister's children will never get to see their grandfather again.
The judge also read a letter from Vincent Canzani's ex-wife who said she believed Vincent Canzani would not have wanted a maximum sentence. She said she believes Cordle will keep his promise never to drink and drive again.
Cordle's father, Dave Cordle, told the judge he was "disappointed, disgusted and heartbroken" at the choices his son made that night. He did not ask for leniency, and told Canzani's family his heart was filled with sorrow at their loss and hopes someday they can forgive his son.
In a 3½-minute video posted in early September, Cordle admitted he killed a man and said he "made a mistake" when he decided to drive that night. "My name is Matthew Cordle, and on June 22, 2013, I hit and killed Vincent Canzani," he says somberly. "This video will act as my confession."
Cordle acknowledged having a drinking problem after the crash and entered a treatment program as prosecutors gathered evidence against him. He told his attorneys early on that he wanted to plead guilty but made the video against their advice.
Prosecutors say a heavily intoxicated Cordle denied causing an accident or killing anyone when he was first taken to a hospital after the crash, in which he suffered broken ribs and a fractured skull. His attorneys say he may have suffered a brain injury.
Cordle, who lives in Powell, a Columbus suburb, told Fais last month that he had no recollection of the crash, how much he'd had to drink that night or whether he'd had anything to eat.
"I drank so much I was blacked out," Cordle said at the Sept. 18 hearing where he pleaded guilty.
Prosecutor Ron O'Brien said he believed Cordle's remorse in the video was genuine, but he said any further interviews would be self-serving. He also disputed Cordle's assertion in the confessional video that he could have fought the case against him, which O'Brien called "a slam dunk."
O'Brien sought the maximum sentence of 8½ years. Cordle's attorneys asked for a sentence that was fair.
The video posted on YouTube has been viewed more than 2.3 million times. It begins with Cordle's face blurred as he describes how he has struggled with depression and was simply trying to have a good time with friends going "from bar to bar" the night of the accident. He then describes how he ended up driving into oncoming traffic on Interstate 670. Cordle's face becomes clear as he reveals his name and confesses to killing Canzani.
He ends the video by pleading with viewers not to drink and drive.
From AP.
Ohio man gets 6½ years after DUI crash confession
오히오는 DUI 사고 자백후 6년 반을 선고 받았다.
An Ohio man was sentenced Wednesday to 6½ years in prison for causing a fatal wrong-way crash after a night of heavy drinking, which he had confessed to in an online video.
오하이오남자(이하 오하이오)는 수요일날 감옥에서 6년 반을 살 것을 선고 받았다. 그 이유는 온라인 비디오(유튜브)에서 고백한 만취상태의 야간 질주로 인해 치명적인 사고를 낸이유에서이다.
Matthew Cordle, 22, had faced up to 8½ years in prison. "Whatever my sentence may be, there's no fair sentence when it comes to the loss of a life," Cordle told the judge before the sentence was handed down.
22살인 Matthew Cordle 은 감옥에서 8년 반을 선고 받았다. " 어떠한 형량을 받아도, 목숨을 잃은것에대해 견줄 형량을 없을것"이다 라고 Matthew Cordle가 형량이 떨어 지기 전에 판사에게 말했다.
Franklin County Judge David Fais sentenced Cordle to six years for aggravated vehicular homicide and six months for driving under the influence of alcohol.
Franklin County 는 Cordle에게 가중처벌가능한 자동차 살인 때문에 6년을 형량을 줬고 술을 처먹고 운전을 했기 때문에 6개월더 줬다.
He also revoked his driving privileges for life.
그는 또한 삶에 대한 그의 운전 권리 를 거절했다?
Cordle apologized to the family of his victim, Vincent Canzani, who was killed in the June crash. "It should have been me that night, the guilty party, instead of an innocent man," he said.
Cordle 은 희생자의 6월 사고때 죽은 Vincent Canzani의 가족에게 사과를 했다. "무고한 사람대신에 죄의 파티였던 그날밤은 나였어야 했었다"라고 그가 말했다.
His guilty plea last month came just a week after he was indicted in a speedy process absent of the numerous court filings that usually cause such cases to drag on for weeks or months.
그의 탄원서는 지난달 1주일만에 나왔고 몇주 몇달동안 너무 많은 부재가 이 사건의 판결을 몇주 몇달 동안 끌게 만든 빠른 진행속에서 그가 지목되었따.
Canzani's daughter asked Fais for the maximum sentence. "My father got a death sentence and did nothing wrong," Angela Canzani told the judge.
Canzani's 딸은 Fais에게 최고의 형량이 얼마나 되냐고 물어 봤다 " 우리 아버지는 종형을 받았고 잘못된 것이 없었따"라고 판사에게 말했따.
Vincent Canzani was a talented artist and photographer who enjoyed working out and spending time with friends and family, she said. She said her children and her sister's children will never get to see their grandfather again.
Canzani 는 친구들과 또 가족들과 시간을 보내고 놀기를 좋아 하던 유망있는 아티스트겸 사진작가였었다 라고 그녀가 말했다. 그녀는 말했다 그녀의 딸과 그녀의 동생 자녀들은 이젠 할아버지를 보러 갈 수 없을 것이라고 말했따.
The judge also read a letter from Vincent Canzani's ex-wife who said she believed Vincent Canzani would not have wanted a maximum sentence. She said she believes Cordle will keep his promise never to drink and drive again.
판사는 Canzani가 최고 형량을 받지 않기를 원한다고 말한 그의 전 와이프로 부터의 편지를 읽었다. Cordle은 절때 술먹고 운전을 하지 않겠다고 약속을 지킬 것이라고 말했다.
Cordle's father, Dave Cordle, told the judge he was "disappointed, disgusted and heartbroken" at the choices his son made that night. He did not ask for leniency, and told Canzani's family his heart was filled with sorrow at their loss and hopes someday they can forgive his son.
Cordle's 아버지 Dave Cordle는 판사에게 말했다 그는 그날밤에 그의 아들이 저지를 선택에서 병신이 되어 있다라고. 그의 아버지는 관용을 요청하지 않았고 희생자의 가족은 상실로 인해 슬픔으로 가득차 있다고 말했고 언젠간 자기 아들을 용서해 주길 희망했다.
In a 3½-minute video posted in early September, Cordle admitted he killed a man and said he "made a mistake" when he decided to drive that night. "My name is Matthew Cordle, and on June 22, 2013, I hit and killed Vincent Canzani," he says somberly. "This video will act as my confession."
9월초에 3분 30초 짜리 동영상에서 Cordle 은 자기가 사람을 죽였다는것을 인정했고 실수였다고 말했따 그날밤 운전을 할 것을 결정했을떄. "나의 이름은 Cordle,2013년 6월 22일 나는 사람을 쳤다 그리고 Canzani라는 사람을 죽였다. 이 비디오는 나의 자백으로 쓰일 것이다."라고 그는 음침하게 말했다.
Cordle acknowledged having a drinking problem after the crash and entered a treatment program as prosecutors gathered evidence against him. He told his attorneys early on that he wanted to plead guilty but made the video against their advice.
Cordle는 사고후에 좆된다는 것을 알았고 치료 프로그렘에 들어 갔다. 검사가 그에 대한 자료를 모았다 그는 그의 변호사에게 일찍이 말했다. 나는 죄를 달게 받을 것이다 하지만 이 동영상이 그들의 충고에 씌이지 않기를 바란다고.
Prosecutors say a heavily intoxicated Cordle denied causing an accident or killing anyone when he was first taken to a hospital after the crash, in which he
suffered broken ribs and a fractured skull. His attorneys say he may have suffered a brain injury.
검사는 말했다 만취한 Cordle은 사고의 원인을 부정했고 또 어떤 사람도 죽이지 않았다고 말했다 사고후에 처음 병원에서 조사를 받을떄. 그때 그는 갈비뼈 와 두개골 손생을 격고 있었다 라고 변호사는 말했다.
Cordle, who lives in Powell, a Columbus suburb, told Fais last month that he had no recollection of the crash, how much he'd had to drink that night or whether he'd had anything to eat.
파우웰에 살고 있는 Cordle 는 Fais에게 말했다 지난달 그는 사고를 더이상 기억하고 싶지 않다고. 얼마나 처 마시고 놀았는지.
"I drank so much I was blacked out," Cordle said at the Sept. 18 hearing where he pleaded guilty.
존나 처먹고 정신이 나갔었어요 라고 그는 말했다 18명은 그가 죄가 있다는 것을 들었다.
Prosecutor Ron O'Brien said he believed Cordle's remorse in the video was genuine, but he said any further interviews would be self-serving.
검사는 동영상에서 보이는 후회는 진짜 인거 갔다고 말했다. 그러나 그는 사전 인터뷰에서 자기 잇솟을 차리는 것이라고 말했다.
He also disputed Cordle's assertion in the confessional video that he could have fought the case against him, which O'Brien called "a slam dunk."
O'Brien sought the maximum sentence of 8½ years. Cordle's attorneys asked for a sentence that was fair.
오벨린이 슬램덩크라고 부르는 그에 대한 판결과 싸웠었던 자백의 동영상은 다 필요 없고 8년의 그의 최고형량이라고 주장했고 변호사도 인정했따.
The video posted on YouTube has been viewed more than 2.3 million times. It begins with Cordle's face blurred as he describes how he has struggled with depression and was simply trying to have a good time with friends going "from bar to bar" the night of the accident. He then describes how he ended up driving into oncoming traffic on Interstate 670. Cordle's face becomes clear as he reveals his name and confesses to killing Canzani.
유투브에 올라간 동영상은 2백명가까이 봤다. 우울증과 싸우고 있는것처럼 보이는 우울한 얼굴로 시작하고 사고저녁에 술집을 오가는 친구들과의 좋은 시간이었다라고 말한다. 아무튼간 좆된 표정을 짖고 있었다.
He ends the video by pleading with viewers not to drink and drive.
그는 술처먹고 운전하지 말라고 보는 사람들에게 주장하면서 동영상을 맺는다.
아 시발 존나 오래 걸리네 영어공부는 그냥 혼자 하는거임 이딴거 다 필요 없음 영어잘하고 싶으면 영어를 많이 읽어 보는수 밖에 없음.
내가 영어 공부 해 보니까 한글로 바로 번역이 안되는 부분도 많다 왜냐하면 한국어가 아니기 때문이지 꼭 궂이 한글로 옮길려고 하니까 존되고 어려운거임
그냥 많이 읽으면 한글로 번역하기는 힘들지만 영어로는 그냥 감이 옴 그냥 이게 무슨 뜻이구나 .
그대신 단어는 모르면 안되겠지 단어가 어떻게 씌이는지 나도 이번에 처음 알았다
DUI 이게 뭔지 Driving under influence 술처먹고 운전하다 라는 뜻이더라 ...